Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bad Moms, UNITE

Luckily, I didn't say "Bad Moms UNTIE!" Har har.

So here's a gathering spot for us bad moms.  What makes us Bad Moms?

This started because I, Khat, was sort of laughing at recent Facebook posts regarding getting teary eyed over the first day of school for the kids.  Which is fine, I suppose, if the child is starting kindergarten or even first grade.

But high school?  Eighth grade?

I dance in the streets when school starts for my fourth and eighth graders.  I celebrate happily when I drop them off.  I think, "Yay, that's over!  Now I have six hours or so to myself!".  I definitely do not cry.

What makes YOU a Bad Mom?  Let's celebrate it!


  1. I'm a bad mom because I pawn my daughter off on her grandparents as often as possible. And I work outside the home. And I have a social life that isn't limited to play dates (well, she gets play dates with other kids, *I* get play dates with grownups). And because I let her get dirty, I don't guard vigilantly against germs, let's see, what else... oh, I introduced her to good beer when she was 18 months old (only one sip though).

  2. I'm a bad mom but I've taken it a step further. I'm a bad grandmother now. As a bad mom I regularly encouraged my guys to engage in online gaming, tabletop gaming and expressing themselves. I rebelled against the mini-van and now I'm making sure my grandson doesn't get caught up in the world of excessive play-dates and designer babies.

    We play with boxes, pots, pans and mud. Kids are wash n' wear right?

  3. I also let my kiddos play video games, sometimes for hours. Hey - following the quests on WoW has enabled them to follow printed directions and achieve a result!
